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5 Steps For Breaking A Bad Habit

achieve your goals change your life change your paradigms coaching entrepreneurs invest in yourself mindset paradigm shift personal development pgi consultant Oct 11, 2021

Habits- we all have them, but not all of them are positive. 🤔

Self-deprecating thoughts, belittling your abilities, and listening to negativity are toxic habits.

When we start to understand the paradigm, we start to understand the power of the habit. We can start to change when we understand how the subconscious mind is programmed.

When we become open and honest in recognizing our paradigms, we can begin to change- and turn those negative cyclical patterns into ones of positivity and self-love. 🧠

Start with:

1. Identifying them.

Think of a bad habit you would love to break. You recognize a bad habit by evaluating your behavior in areas where you’re not getting the results you want.

2. Think of the opposite.

Take a piece of paper and write down the non productive habit. Then ask yourself what the polar opposite of that behavior you want to change would be. Write that down on a new piece of paper. Shred or burn the first piece of paper (destroying it symbolically in your subconscious). 🔥

3. Reinforce the positive behaviour.

Write the positive behavior three to five times every day and read it frequently.

4. Get to the root.

Ask yourself: Why do I do this? Where did I get such an idea? What evidence do I have that it is a good idea?

Answering these questions will help to reinforce in your self-conscious why you need to break that bad habit.

5. Reprogram your mind.

Now that you’ve identified your paradigm on the chosen topic create an affirmation that will help you reprogram your mind to create the new behavior. The affirmation should be the opposite of your paradigm. Read the affirmation out loud daily for 30 or more days.

Let me know how these tips have helped you! I'd love to hear. 🤗