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Change Your Thoughts. Change Your Life.

achieve your goals change your life law of attraction paradigm shift proctor gallagher consultant thinking into results Mar 25, 2021

Vibration is a natural law of the Universe. Everything vibrates … nothing rests.

We literally live in an ocean of motion.

Your body is a molecular structure in a constant and very high speed of vibration.

You become emotionally involved with your thoughts and dreams as you move them from your conscious to your subconscious mind.

As the subconscious mind is in every cell of your body, it necessarily follows that the vibration of your entire body is altered with the emotional involvement of your thoughts.

These vibrations are not only expressed in action, they also set up a magnetic force and you begin attracting to you everything that vibrates in harmony with you.

It’s the law of action and reaction.

This reaction creates your conditions, your circumstances and your environment. In other words, it creates the RESULTS you get in your life.

So, when you find that you’re not FEELING good, you need to realise all that means is that you are emotionally involved with the wrong idea. Feeling is just a word we’ve invented to describe our conscious awareness of the vibration we are in.

If you find the things that are coming into your life are not to your liking, you’ve got to ask yourself; “How am I acting? What am I emotionally involved with? What kinds of ideas am I thinking?”  If you are constantly thinking “nothing ever goes right for me” nothing ever will, as you will be attracting negative outcomes to you.

You can use the questions above to recognise what is going on in your life and how to improve it.

It’s very simple and it takes some effort to stop yourself in your tracks and question what you are doing and where you are at, but with practice, it will become more and more automatic. And the main point is you do need to practice it – even highly successful sportspeople realise that a major key to success is repetition, repetition, repetition. And if you repeat something enough in your conscious mind, it will start to take route in your subconscious mind and manifest itself in your actions and results.

So, look at what’s going on on the outside of you – it will give you a great insight into what you’re thinking in your mind. If you constantly dwell on negative thoughts and surround yourself with negative inputs from people and other information sources, you are only going to attract negativity.  If you look for the positives around you and concentrate on them and focus on thinking positive thoughts and cultivating a positive mindset and self-image, you will attract positivity to you.

As James Allen said, “We think in secret and it comes to pass, environment is but our looking glass.”

As you become more aware of what you are thinking, you will understand how you only become emotionally involved with those thoughts IF you let them.

And YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LET THEM. Do not put any energy into them. Let them pass.

So, when you are not getting what you want when you are feeling negative and like nothing is going your way, just recognise it is simply the product of negative thoughts that YOU can control.  You are the only person who can control what goes on in your mind.

Change your thoughts… change your feelings… change your results.

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 Photo by Cristian Escobar on Unsplash