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Do you want to be happier, healthier and wealthier in 2021?

Feb 11, 2021

Do you want to thrive regardless of what’s happening in the world around you?

Whatever your goals are, know that you are capable of achieving them. You can do it, but you will have a major hurdle to overcome. And it’s a biggie.

You must change the mental image you currently have of yourself.

I say that because if your current self-image were already a match for your goals, you would already have the thing that you desire. You behave, feel, and, most importantly, act according to your own self-image.

Our self-image is a premise, a foundation upon which we create our personality. It sets the boundaries for every area of our life and establishes our habits and behaviour. We cannot deviate from that pattern stemming from how we view ourselves.

So, no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to outperform the image of yourself you’ve created in your own mind.

But don’t worry. Here’s the good news…

Your self-image is just an idea that you can change anytime you want to. But it will take some work.

However, when you change your self-image… everything in your life will change.

Bob Proctor tells the story of a man called John Kanary who had just started as an insurance agent with a company Bob was advising.

Bob taught John to write something he wanted on a card and take action every day towards achieving it. So, John decided what he wanted, and he wrote it on a card. Just a year later he fulfilled his goal and became the number one agent out of a total of 12,000 agents.

John and Bob became friends, and after a while, John decided he’d like to do what Bob was doing – teaching these principles to others.

So, John built an image of himself speaking professionally and helping people understand and realize their potential. Although it wasn’t easy, John held on to that image. He would not quit.

And it worked.

Within a few years, John had earned the respect of many of the world’s largest corporations, and he had spoken in almost every major city in North America. And he made more in one day than he was earning in a year when he first met Bob.

When asked about how he did it, John said, “Keep your mind on a higher image rather than a lower concern.”

Although it’s not always an easy thing to do, it can pay great dividends for the person who develops the mental strength to create a new self-image.

What About You?

If you’re wondering what your self-image is, it’s easy to figure out.

Just look at the various aspects of your life. Take a look at the results you’re getting in those various areas - your relationships, the income you earn, the position you hold at work, and your personal appearance. These are all the outer expression of your self-image.

People often attempt to change things outside themselves (such as their income or business) without changing what’s going on inside.

That approach never works… You have to alter the ‘thermostat’ not try and change the ‘temperature’ or you will never achieve lasting results.

To re-make your life, you must build a new self-image. As soon as you start to alter the image, everything outside will begin to change.

There’s a New You Inside

If you want to achieve your goals in 2021, you can’t attract it by sitting around trying to vibrate on a higher frequency.

You have to take action.

Do that and the universe will react to your action. It’s the law.

However, before you can do something significantly different, you must first ‘be’ it.

To be the change that you want to see, you must honestly assess your current self-image and then work on seeing yourself differently.

Here are two critical steps you can take right away to start altering your self-image and improving your life:

  1. Visualisation: Take 10 minutes a few times a day to close your eyes, relax and visualize yourself with the nice things you’d like to have or do. Add in all the detail you can to make the image as big and bright as possible. Actually live the part while you are visualizing. Allow yourself to completely relax so you can genuinely feel what it would be like
  2. Write It Down: Burn the images of how you want your life to be in your mind, and then write a detailed description of it. Take a cold hard look and compare it to how you’re living now.


Once you’ve made this comparison, you’ll see the changes you need to make. Even if there are dozens of changes you could make, begin by making one change at a time. Often the simplest and one of the most effective places to start is with your appearance.

You need to present yourself in a way that is consistent with the new self-image you are developing. Something as simple as how you dress, how you walk, how you speak to others and how you project yourself sends a powerful message to your subconscious mind. It also sends a strong message to everyone in your external world.

Next, look inside yourself. Are you beginning to see yourself, from within, as the person you really want to be? The changes will be small to start with but keep practising and they will become more pronounced as you continue to present yourself in the new way.

During this transition period, when you’re in the process of implanting your new image in the subconscious, you will actually be able to identify two people — the old you and the new you and you will oscillate between the two. Every time you see yourself acting in the old way, check yourself and shift your focus and behaviour to the way the new you would act.

Practise this for the next 30 days to see what difference it makes in your life. (Keeping a journal will help you remember the thoughts and changes you have made though other people will start to comment on the new improved ‘you’ pretty soon).


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