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How Bart Simpson Can Help You Change Your Life

bob proctor coaching change your life change your paradigms coaching entrepreneurs mindset coaching thinking into results Apr 26, 2022

If you watch “The Simpsons” you’ll know it always starts with Bart writing out lines on the blackboard based on his latest misdeed. 🖍

If you went to a school like mine you may well have been given detention and made to spend an hour writing out lines in the same way. 📝 

So is this just some anachronistic mind-numbing punishment or can it serve a purpose? 🤔

If you understand how the subconscious mind works and realise that we are all controlled by our programming then the answer is actually ‘yes’. Writing out ‘lines’ can be very powerful.

We are all controlled by certain paradigms that dictate the way we think, feel and behave and thus determine the results we achieve in life. 🧠 

If we want better results, trying to alter behaviour itself will only ever have a temporary effect.

We need to go to the source and replace those paradigms that do not serve us with ones that do. And there are only three ways we can do this. 

The first way you can fundamentally shift your paradigm and the way you view the world is by an event that has a huge emotional impact (usually a negative one). That is something that you are unlikely to be able to plan for.

The second way is via hypnosis to change modes of thinking and habits which can be very effective for some people. (One hour of hypnosis and I have never smoked again). 🙌

And the third way is by constant repetition.

Yes, that’s right.

Step 1: figure out what habits or beliefs are not serving you

Step 2: Take the most important one and work on that

Step 3: Establish the polar opposite (ie which ones will serve you)

Step 4: Set aside 15-30 minutes a day. ⏰

Step 5: Write out the new productive actions or habits you wish to start doing again and again. 100 times a day if you can spare the time.

Now at first, it will seem pointless and you won't believe it can work.

But, over time, if you persist with it, your paradigm will gradually begin to shift and after a few weeks or, maybe, a couple of months, you will have ingrained your new beliefs and habits into your subconscious mind and developed a new paradigm - one that will serve you and enable you to get better results in any area of your life. 💥

It’s simple to do and highly effective but you must have faith, commit to doing it and persist until the new habit is ingrained. 😊