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Let's Go Crazy

#business success escape the rat race freedom business personal development the rat race Feb 27, 2023

How many of the most interesting people you know got off the path they were on or did something against the rules?

How many of them went against the odds and proved people wrong?

Think about all the boring people you know (there are probably a lot of them!) and how many of them live mundane lives doing exactly what others expect of them.

They got their degrees, got jobs, got married, had kids, and now spend most of their time inside, and the only interesting or entertaining stories they have (that they endlessly repeat) are from school or university.

You don't have to fit into society.

Nobody cares. They are too busy dealing with their own lives to give you much thought.

You can do whatever you want, and no one will remember in a few months or years.

We are occupying this planet for an infinitesimal time in about a billion years, both the sun and this planet will be gone. Nothing you or any of us does really matters.

So, stop worrying about what others think and just do whatever you think is right – whatever makes you feel good.

Here’s a little poem to inspire you:

The Crazy Ones – By Steve Jobs

Here’s to the Crazy Ones!

The misfits.

The rebels.

The troublemakers.

The round pegs in the square holes.

The ones who see things differently.

They’re not fond of rules.

And they have no respect for the status quo.

You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them,disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.

About the only thing you cannot do is ignore them.

Because they change things.

They invent. They imagine. They heal.

They explore. They create. They inspire.

They push the human race forward.

Maybe they have to be crazy.

How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?

Or, sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written?

Or, gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?

We make tools for these kinds of people.

While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.

Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

Read it. Read it again. Embody it. Live by it.

Try this activity to push your limits:

People don't usually say hello - especially in big cities. It's a shock to the system.

Every day, walk down the street and smile and say hello to at least 10 people you don’t know. Most of the time, it will be strange and uncomfortable. You might feel good or get some strange reactions. So what.

You might meet interesting people. Or you could make someone's day better.

It's a great challenge and a step towards doing something different from what people usually do… The path of least resistance is often the path with the least amount of freedom.

It's easy to follow the crowd, do what you're told, and not ask questions.

But you have to work hard to think.

Stop worrying about the haters and naysayers who will try to bring you down to their level.

Instead, start living your life in a way that means you won't have any regrets when you look back 30 or 40 years from now.

The thing you're scared of (because you worry about failing or what others may think) is likely to be the very thing that will bring you huge success and freedom.

How To Unleash ‘Your Crazy’:

1. Common sense.

Break down the clichés you use every day. If you say "that's just the way it is" a lot, you should think about why you do that.

What are you trying to call "common sense" that has nothing to do with common sense? Find out if this way of thinking has ever kept you from doing something because most people were doing the opposite, and then you found out you were right the whole time.

2. Reframe.

People often say what they are against instead of what they are for.

The problem is that if you are "against" something instead of "for" something else, your brain keeps thinking about what you are against.

For example, if you say, "I hate being fat," you are concentrating on being fat.

"I'm against war" means that war is the main topic. Try rethinking these kinds of thoughts and actions in terms of what you want to get closer to instead of what you want to get away from. Eg “I believe in love and peace.”

3. Read.

Look up laws and customs about normalcy from other places. Then, look up what your society thinks is normal through that lens. A different perspective will help you realise that there is no ‘normal’ – it’s just what you become accustomed to and it varies according to the culture you were raised in.

Questions To Ask

โ“Do you do the same things over and over? Are you stopping yourself from trying new things?

โ“What little things can you do differently today to spice up your life?

โ“How would you explain the word "normal"? How does it fit into the world you live in?

โ“ What historical figures, contemporary celebrities, (or people you know) do you admire because they didn't do what everyone else did?