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Paradigms 101

bob proctor change your paradigms coaching entrepreneurs mentoring entrepreneurs paradigm shift personal development coach personal development goals pgi consultant positive mindset proctor gallagher consultant Feb 28, 2022

Are you familiar with what paradigms are? ๐Ÿค”

Paradigms are mental programmes that have almost exclusive control over your habitual behaviour.

And at least 96% of all your behaviour is habitual.

A paradigm that controls you is like a computer’s operating system upon which your mental process is run. ๐Ÿ’ป

Your paradigms create a prism that affects your entire perspective on the world. You view and make sense of everything through this prism. ๐ŸŒŽ

When information is presented to your mind, your mind automatically runs through all of the knowledge and experience it already has and uses this to figure out where this new piece of information fits into the bigger picture. It will decide for you if that information is good or bad, desirable or undesirable, and whether it's possible or not.

Paradigms in and of themselves are neutral. If your paradigms are positive, you will have a happy, gross-orientated mindset, a happy self-image and the ability to adapt successfully to change and adverse circumstances.

Conversely, negative paradigms can keep you stuck in old ways of thinking that can limit what's available to you in your life. A ‘Who Moved My Cheese?’ type mentality which will lead to stagnation and deterioration. ๐Ÿ˜ž

Negative paradigms keep you in an invisible prison, which is just as formidable as a concrete cell and a set of iron bars... perhaps even more so because they imprison you in the place where all true freedom resides - in the mind. ๐Ÿง 

If you’re not creating the exact results you really want in life, then you need to make a PARADIGM SHIFT.

When you start thinking about the results you want, you start to work from a higher level of conscious awareness and become aware of all that you require to achieve your goals.

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