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My Personal Experience With The Thinking Into Results Programme

personal development personal transformation pgi consultant proctor gallagher consultant thinking into results train entrepreneurs Apr 07, 2021

Hi, I’m Frazer, and today I’m sharing with you my personal experience of Proctor Gallagher’s Thinking Into Results programme which I followed and which led me to become a Proctor Gallagher Consultant.

For the last 20 years, I’ve been a serial entrepreneur and have built 3 multi-million-pound companies. I started reading Bob Proctor’s material way back in 2002. I applied what I learned to some extent to my life and what I learned certainly helped me to make those businesses successful.

A few years ago, I decided to devote more time to personal development, and I joined Bob Proctor’s Inner Circle Mentoring programme and following that I signed up for the Thinking Into Results programme. 

What I found from my own experience was that studying the material formally, and systematically applying the lessons with the help of a coach has had a much more powerful effect than just reading books ever had.

Through what I learned, I have made huge improvements to several areas of my life (and continue to do so).

Seeing the results I had in my own life led me to want to become a PGI consultant and coach others through the programme so they too could reap the benefits of this training.

Here are just some of the benefits I’ve got from the programme so far.

As CEO of a company employing 30 people and looking after over £100M of investors’ money, I had become increasingly stressed and anxious. I was drinking far too much because I felt stressed the whole time and it was damaging my marriage and my health.

Thinking Into Results enabled me to get to grips with my situation, change my mindset and my habits, and take positive actions in various parts of my life. I created and implemented a plan to hire and train people to transition me out of the day to day running of the business so I could focus on what I wanted to do.

The programme enabled me to gradually shed 18 pounds over 9 months by changing my paradigms and creating new patterns of behaviour without forcing myself to stick to a diet. It just happened without even trying. I easily built some simple effective habits into my daily routine, so they became second nature – just like brushing your teeth.

I also realised I did not have to be tied down to living in a cold, rainy English suburb.  I could, thanks to technology, choose to live and work wherever and whenever I want.

So, I made a decision, and as soon as this Covid situation allows we are moving to Portugal where we can enjoy the ocean, beautiful blue skies and sunshine almost every day.  

And, as for my income; well, I now have over seven different sources of income and the combined figure is several times what I earned as a full-time CEO.  

My relationship with my wife is better than ever – she has become interested in Bob’s material as well and we are closer than we have been for many years.

Even my tennis has improved as a result of me being generally more relaxed and confident (and not hungover)!

Interestingly after being a devout atheist all my life I’ve become much more spiritually aware. I now have faith that the universe will look after me and I worry a lot less about things.

But none of that matters as much as the fact I now wake up most mornings with a sense of excitement about who I’m going to help today, rather than a sense of anxiety and dread about all the problems I’m going to have to face. 

I’m not trying to say I’m now perfect and every day is absolutely marvellous – there are always problems that you have to deal with but the way I deal with them has changed profoundly and as a result of studying and implementing this material, I now live a much happier, healthier, abundant life and deal with things in a much calmer way.

And that is truly the greatest gift the Thinking Into Results programme has given me.

My message to you is this:

If you aren’t happy with what is happening in your life, then do something about it. The life you really want could be just a few months away.



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