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Throw Off Your Mental Chains

achieve your goals change your life invest in yourself personal coaching pgi consultant proctor gallagher consultant Mar 28, 2021

You cannot escape from a prison if you don’t know you are in one.

But many people are in a mental prison, believing that their lives are dictated by the actions of others and the circumstances around them.

They often complain that life isn't fair, and things should be different from how they actually are.

When a person refuses to accept responsibility for their life, they reject their own uniqueness and they turn all of their power over to other people and events that happen around them.

They are no longer in control of their future, and merely rely on hope or luck for something good to happen to them, but, because of their past negative experiences, it's more than likely they'll be expecting something to happen that they don't like and believe they are powerless and have no control over their life.

The mental torment this can cause can destroy just about everything that you need for a fulfilling life including your self-image, your self-respect, your relationships and can even cause your physical health to suffer.

But forgive me if I missed the memo, but I’m pretty sure nobody put you in charge of the Universe and gave you the right to dictate the way things should or should not be.

Nobody has the right to decide how things should or should not be.

They simply are that way because that's the way they are.  

You may want it to be a nice sunny day because you were planning a BBQ, but how you think the day should be has no part in whether it will be.

You may want your partner to behave in a certain way, but you don't have the right to say how they should behave. If you don't like a situation you have the choice of how you deal with it, but nobody put you in charge of the universe to decide what should and shouldn't be.

Thinking that things should be different from how they are and that life is unfair can only lead to stress and unhappiness.

The KEY to FREEDOM, to unlocking your mental chains is simple:

Take responsibility for your life. It’s truly liberating when you do this.

Accept that things are the way they are and everything that has happened, happened for a reason because it couldn't have happened any other way.  

If you accept that the only two things you have control over are the things you think and the things you do and stop complaining that the other things aren't the way you would like them to be, you will be much happier. Just think how much time you waste grumbling about the weather, or the terrible traffic on the way to work, or how your favourite football team lost their last match!

So, when a person takes responsibility for their life and the results they are obtaining they cease to blame others for being the cause of their results.

Since you cannot change other people, blaming them is inappropriate. They are simply doing the best they can and, just like you, they do certain things because they have been programmed genetically and throughout their lives to behave in a certain way.

Blaming others causes you to remain bound in a prison of your own making. When you take responsibility, blame is eliminated and you are free to grow.

When you accept responsibility for your life and the results which you alone determine, you will develop a confidence that your goals can be achieved and your dreams realised, and awareness of this truth will set you free to grow and achieve great things.

Make the choice to recognise and accept you're responsible for ALL the results in your life, for your feelings, for your health, for your happiness, for your personal growth and for every result you get whether it's negative or positive.

As Winston Churchill said “Responsibility is the price of greatness”

…and it’s the key to freedom.

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 Photo by Karim MANJRA on Unsplash