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What People Think Of You Is Simply None Of Your Business

coaching entrepreneurs mentoring entrepreneurs personal coaching personal development coach pgi consultant positive mindset thinking into results Jan 25, 2022

Somebody (maybe Mae West) once said, “When you're 20, you care what people think about you. When you’re 40, you won’t care what other people think about you. When you're 60, you’ll realise they weren't thinking about you in the first place.” πŸ™Ž‍♀️

True words indeed. 

Life is too short to waste any time at all wondering what other people may or may not think about you. It’s simply none of your business.

In the first place, if they actually had better things going on in their lives, they wouldn't be wasting their time sitting around talking about you. And, secondly, why should you pay any attention to their opinion. πŸ€—

Everyone has different opinions about who’s good and bad, what’s right or wrong.  πŸ€·

Don’t get embroiled in it.  

What you have to focus on is making sure you have a high opinion of yourself, and you do that by being in alignment with YOUR values and always doing what YOU think is right regardless of what others may or may not think. πŸ˜πŸ™Œ