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5 Steps To Change Your Money Mindset

change your life change your paradigms coach entrepreneurs financial well being mindset coach money mindset proctor gallagher consultant thinking into results Oct 29, 2021

Would you like to make more money? 

That might sound like a dumb question, I mean, who doesn't?

But most people go about it all WRONG. 🥺

Instead of living by a budget, or searching for a higher paying job, my biggest suggestion for working towards financial freedom is changing your money mindset.

What's a money mindset? 💲

Your money mindset refers to the attitudes and beliefs you’ve developed about money over your lifetime. 🤔

Here are 5 ways YOU can start changing your money mindset:

1️⃣ Make a committed decision. One of the first places to start is making an irrevocable decision to do it.

2️⃣ Set a worthy goal. How much money would you really like to have? Come up with a figure that excites you but seems impossible. Dream big.

3️⃣ Replace limiting beliefs. If you often find yourself thinking or saying, “I can’t afford it,” your mindset is that you don’t believe in your ability to live the life you really want to live.

Replace these thoughts with empowering ones.

4️⃣ Use affirmations. "I am so happy and grateful now that I have a healthy relationship with money- I treat money with respect and handle it with confidence."

5️⃣ Make personal development a priority. Spend time each day developing your mind by reading or listening to personal development material that will teach you more about yourself, the power of your mind, and your potential.

I hope these tips helped! 🎈