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5 Things You Can Do To Combat Fear

mindset mindset coach overcome fear personal development coach personal development goals positive mindset proctor gallagher consultant Feb 18, 2022

We all experience fear from time to time. 😨

And, as with all our emotions, fear is simply caused by our thoughts.

Most of the things we are scared of never actually happen, they are just thoughts we have - and we can control our thoughts. 😌

Emotions, including fear, are like the ocean. The waves rise and fall in a fairly predictable manner, even if they occasionally throw us a curveball. ⚾️

These emotions can start small but as we overthink them, they can build and build gathering momentum until they eventually crest, fall away and dissipate.

If you can learn to ride your fears (like a surfer on a wave) they will soon pass. 🌊

Have you learned to surf your fear? πŸ„πŸΎ

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