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Do You Have A Fixed Or A Growth Mindset?

achieve your goals invest in yourself mindset coach personal development personal development coach personal goals proctor gallagher consultant Nov 04, 2021

People with a growth mindset believe their skills and abilities can be improved with effort and persistence.

They generally embrace challenges, overcome hurdles, learn from criticism and are inspired by others achievements.

Those who hold a growth mindset believe that they can get better at something by persistence, practice and effort.

They believe that the process of working on their imperfections to become a better version of themselves is a valuable activity in itself regardless of the eventual outcome.

People with a growth mindset believe with practice and over time they can achieve anything they want.

Conversely, fixed mindset people believe that talent is the determining factor in success, and effort to improve these talents isn’t a necessary component: you are either born with the necessary skill and intelligence or you’re not and no amount of practice will change that.

For instance, someone with a fixed mindset might say, “I’m a naturally gifted football player,” or, “I’m no good at football,” believing that their sporting skills can’t be developed.

Those with fixed mindsets may avoid challenges, give up easily and ignore constructive criticism.

So if you want to be a successful entrepreneur I’m sure you have guessed you need to develop a growth mindset in relation to your business journey.

There will be many challenges, setbacks, and struggles along the way - this is inevitable, but your belief in your ability to work through and solve these will determine your overall success.