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Do You Love What You Do?

bob proctor coaching coaching entrepreneurs do what you love mindset coach mindset coaching pgi consultant Apr 20, 2022

Research has revealed that up to 85% of people hate their jobs. (Gallup Poll). 😞

This statistic is staggering. Many of us aren't doing jobs we love, and are just working every day to pay the bills. Most of us get stuck on a vicious and never-ending treadmill, just working in order to cover our outgoings.

It's really quite sad in all honesty. ☚ī¸

On the bright side, let's flip this statistic on its head. If 85% of people aren't living fulfilling lives, then that means 15% are. 😃

15% of people are doing what they love, and are enjoying their lives. ❤ī¸

If 15% of the population can do it, what's stopping you?

If you’d like a quick chat to see if I may be able to help you create a more fulfilling and join that 15%, then click on the link below to book a free no-obligation call.

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