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Do you want to improve your financial well-being?

achieve your goals financial well being mindset personal coaching pgi consultant positive affirmations Jun 03, 2021

You’re hopefully not in dire straits, not financially desperate, but you probably still worry about money more than you’d like. Or perhaps you’re not hitting your financial goals quickly enough, and you’re still a long way off the financial freedom you dreamed of.

Or perhaps your business is still far off being at the level you really want it to be.

If any of those things are true, you might think your first task should be to start living by a strict budget or look for a better-paying job.

However, if you want to make a real difference to your financial future, and build real wealth your top priority should be improving your attitude to and beliefs about money and developing a money-making mindset.

What’s Your Current Money Mindset?

Your money mindset refers to the attitudes and beliefs you’ve developed about money during your lifetime.

These ideas originate from your childhood and everything that has influenced you – family, friends, teachers and your environment. The money mindset you have developed affects your income, expectations, and your financial future.

For instance, if you believe that money is a finite resource and hard to come by, it’s very likely that you will be uncomfortable with the idea of having a lot of money. You subconsciously believe that you’ll never have enough and never become wealthy.

Conversely, an abundant mindset means you are comfortable with money and expect to become prosperous.

Your money mindset acts as a limiter on your financial success.  Until you change it to an abundant mindset, you're unlikely to significantly improve your financial well being.

Change the Way You Think About Money

There may have been times in your life when you decided you’d like to make a lot more money.

You started doing some things differently, but you soon fell back into old habits – usually within a few weeks - even though you felt committed to your goal.

That’s because our paradigms and beliefs are so ingrained in us that deciding that we want to change simply isn’t enough to do so.

However, if your money mindset isn’t as positive as you’d like it to be, you can change your beliefs and attitudes to a more empowering position.

While it does take time (those beliefs have been deeply ingrained for many years), taking the following steps will lead to you achieving much better financial results:

  1. Make a committed decision.

The crucial first step in any plan to improve any area of your life is to make an irrevocable decision to commit to it.

There is a world of difference between being interested in something and being committed to it. The word “decision” is used so widely that it usually just describes preferences. You need to decide that you will commit to achieving your goals whatever it takes.

  1. Set an inspirational financial goal.

How much money would you truly love to have?

Decide on a sum that really excites you even if it seems impossible.

If you don’t have a specific number in mind, calculate how much money you would need to pay off all your debt, cover all of your bills, and live the way you would love to live – e.g. living in your dream home, driving your favourite car, travelling first class and providing for the lifestyle your family desires.

When you settle on a number, write down what you want as a single powerful statement in the present tense. Write it as if the money you desire is already in your possession. It is critical to do this.

For example:

 “I’m so happy and grateful now that…I make $__________ a year, and I’m able to be, do, and enjoy the life I really want.”

Write it out on a goal card and carry that goal card with you at all times. Read it several times a day. Every time you read or even touch it, it will remind your subconscious mind to focus on where you want to go.

Focusing on a big financial goal inspires you to change your money mindset because the excitement of achieving your dream pulls you forward into your desired financial future.

  1. Replace self-limiting beliefs.

Think about this for a few moments…

You can use your thoughts to create almost anything you really want. This is something all great spiritual leaders philosophers and poets have recognised.

Everything in this world, outside nature, began with a thought in someone’s imagination. As human beings, we have the power to create things that have never before existed, write beautiful music or wonderful books, build magnificent houses, fly through the air, communicate instantly with people thousands of miles away… and earn all the money you want.

You can do all those things and much more. But you have to believe that you can do it. And if you don’t believe it, you need to work on upgrading your beliefs.

So, take a few minutes to evaluate the following questions to help you see what shifts you may need to start making in your mindset.

  • Do I believe that I deserve to be wealthy?
  • Am I comfortable talking about money?
  • Do I really believe I can create financial freedom?

If any of the answers are ‘no,’ ask yourself where those beliefs came from and if they genuinely true.  Most of the time, you’ll find there is no supporting evidence; you’ve just been operating on autopilot because it’s part of your conditioning.

When you find any negative or limiting thoughts or feelings, your job is to recognize that it’s not a productive belief to have and that you need to look at it from a new, more empowering perspective.

For example, if you often find yourself thinking or saying, “I can’t afford it,” your mindset is that you don’t believe in your ability to live the life you really want to live.

You believe you have to hold onto the money you have because your lack confidence in yourself to earn all the money you need and want. Thinking you can’t afford what you want is demonstrating resistance to life.

A more empowering perspective would be, “The universe is naturally abundant, and I know I can earn the money I need to live the life I really want.”

Think of it this way…

How would you feel if you doubled or tripled your annual income?

What if you turned your annual income into your monthly income?

Imagine how that would feel. Did you notice how much lighter your body felt as you imagined that happening? Write down the words and make the feeling even more powerful.  This is the mindset and feeling that you need to maintain to attract more abundance.

  1. Use affirmations.

In addition to replacing limiting beliefs, you can use money affirmations, ones in this downloadable document or you can make up some of your own:

You can either deeply relax and repeat these to yourself in a meditative state or look at yourself in the mirror and repeat them over and over again. But bear in mind you have to connect with them emotionally. You must say them with feeling and genuinely believe them. At first, it may well seem a little silly, but if you do it consistently on a daily basis, you will, over time, start to believe it and your mindset will begin to alter!

  1. Make personal development a priority in your life.

Make sure you spend time each day developing your awareness by reading or listening to personal development material that will teach you more about yourself, the power of your mind, and your potential.

You might also read books that will help you develop specialist knowledge about your industry, understand money better or improve your skills.

Also, start spending time with successful people. There’s a theory that your net worth is usually the average of your 5 closest friends – the people you spend the most time with. The reason for this is being around clever, successful people is one of the fastest ways to learn and improve.

And Finally…

If you’re serious about changing your money mindset, can’t just learn what to do you MUST start to practice the steps.

Once you do you will realize that earning the amount of money you want becomes not merely ‘possible’ or ‘probable’… it becomes practically inevitable.

And while you’re changing your mindset, practice being grateful for what you already have and your progress.

The more you focus on what’s good in your life, the more things you’ll attract things to be thankful for.

There’s no time like the present. Start taking these steps today. You’ll be so happy that you did.

Be kind. Do good. Be true to yourself.

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Photo by Juan Rojas on Unsplash