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Let's Show More Love And Respect For Everyone In 2022

be kind positive mindset positivity Dec 23, 2021

Being trolled is one of the major downsides of being on social media. 🥺

Stick your head above the parapet; promote your business; express your opinion on just about anything and you can virtually guarantee someone will unleash a stream of invective accusing you of being (amongst other things), an environment destroying, Ponzi scheming, misogynistic, racist, anti-vaccer nutter... or worse – a Tory (just to be clear - that’s a joke!)  

It astonishes and saddens me that there seem to be so many angry, resentful, disrespectful people out there who do not recognise that others have the right to express their beliefs or views. 

Just because they do not share the same life view as they may, it does not mean they have any right to abuse them.  

Do these trolls not realise they are hurting REAL people or do they think that by being vicious to others they will somehow feel better about themselves.  

The Universe reflects back what you put out. So, if that’s the case, they will only attract more bitterness and anger into their own lives.  

As we move into 2022, let’s all make a concerted effort to improve the atmosphere on social media and make it a supportive environment rather than a sometimes poisonous place, and build people up rather than knock them down. 🙌

We should never dehumanise other people. So, let’s recognise that everyone is just doing the best they can; that we all have feelings that can be hurt and let’s try and have a little compassion for fellow human beings whatever their race, gender, religion, sexual bent, nationality, politics, life choices; whatever… even if they’re a Tory. 

As Shakespeare wrote ✍️:  

“Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed?” 

But if you are the victim of a troll rather than retaliating, just think about what may be going on in that person’s life to cause them to act in such a vicious manner.  

Acknowledge that they are only doing so because they are hurting themselves. So, hard as it may be, don’t get angry; and don’t get upset. Instead, have compassion for them, send them love and be grateful for what you have.🙂  

Be kind. Do good. And be true to yourself. ❤️