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Money Makes The World Go Round... Unfortunately

achieve your goals bob proctor find your purpose goal setting invest in yourself law of attraction paradigm shift personal coaching personal transformation proctor gallagher consultant Mar 16, 2021

In yesterday's Lightbulb Moment, we discussed how the only way to be truly happy in life was to find out what your purposes and follow it.

I also mentioned that there are various hurdles you may have to overcome in order to follow your purpose, and one of the biggest stumbling blocks for most people is their fear that they will not be able to make enough money doing what it is that they love doing.

Clearly, there's no doubt about it – to quote Madonna, we are living in a material world, and we all need money to a lesser or greater extent to survive. Research reveals that around 75% of us are not living fulfilling lives, we are not doing jobs that we love or even like, but merely subsisting day today in order to pay the bills. To paraphrase TS Eliot, we are measuring our lives out with coffee spoons!

But there is hope. If that research is correct then about 25% of people are doing work they love and are living fulfilling lives, so clearly there it is possible to live a life of fulfilment.

Money need not be the slave master you perhaps believe it is, but in order to be able to change these limiting beliefs about money that so many of us hold, we need to understand how harmful the relationship that most of us in the western world have towards it.

This feeling is what Matt Jardine, in his excellent book “How To Be A Buddhist Millionaire”, calls “The Everywhere Nowhere feeling”. He describes it as being like a headache or toothache that sits uncomfortably in the periphery. Buddhists call it suffering and believe it is the root cause of all our troubles.

You have this feeling because you know things are not right when you are not following your purpose in life. Eventually, if you don't do something about this lack in your life, not only will you continue to be unhappy, it will lead to anxiety stress, depression and dis-ease. I always hyphenate the word dis-ease because essentially many diseases stem from your body being in a stressed or uneasy state.

This mind-body connection, which is now fully recognised by the medical establishment, is dealt with in much greater depth in my coaching programme.

We explore how you can control your health and indeed generate results in every area of your life through creating and sustaining the right thoughts.

So back to money and why it is such a huge obstacle to you following your true purpose and finding ongoing happiness.

I'm fascinated by money and our relationship to it, and we'll be doing a separate light bulb series just on money and how this relationship has developed over thousands of years.

But for now, let's just accept that people at various times throughout history and in various societies have existed perfectly well without money.

Money is simply one way of getting what we need, but it should not be the driving force in our lives.

There is a Native American piece of wisdom that shows how false the belief is that we need money to live fulfilling lives:

When the last tree is cut, the last fish is caught, and the last River is polluted, when to breathe the air is sickening, you will realise, too late, that wealth is not in bank accounts and you can't eat money.

So, in Lightbulb Moment One, we investigated how to work out all the things you are good at, all the skills and experience you've developed and what you love doing.

Putting all thoughts of money aside, the next step is to ask yourself this question: if money was no object how would you like to spend every day of your life?

And secondly, if you had 12 months to live and again money was no object what would you do, who would you spend your time with and what experiences would you want to have?

Again, take a few deep breaths, relax and let your mind clear and then spend 2 minutes writing down whatever comes into your head without editing it or trying to second guess yourself. Let your mind run wild!

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Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash