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The 3-Step Process For Dealing With Things That Happen To You

bob proctor business difficulties coaching entrepreneurs mentoring entrepreneurs mindset coach pgi consultant proctor gallagher consultant Feb 23, 2022

When you're running a business, it is rarely plain sailing. ⛵️

You will face situations most days that may not be agreeable.

Customers complaining, disputes with suppliers, staff issues etc. etc. These sorts of situations will never stop occurring. That’s just life. And for an entrepreneur, the pressure can be huge – if you don’t deal with things in the right way. 😓

If you want to be truly in control you need to find a way to continue being YOU regardless of events or external circumstances. Here's a great three-step process from Michael Beckwith for dealing with things that happen to you:

➡️ It is what it is. You cannot change it so accept it. You will either control it or if not it will control you.

➡️ Harvest the good. You need to look for the good in every situation and the more you look for it the more you will find it.

➡️ Forgive all of the rest. And ‘forgive’ means to let go completely and abandon all feelings of hurt, resentment or righteousness.

If you can practice just pausing rather than reacting to a situation and then implement this process your peace of mind will grow over time. 😌