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The Attitude Of A Prosperous Spiritual Entrepreneur

personal coaching personal development personal goals positive affirmations proctor gallagher consultant the spiritual entrepreneur thinking into results train entrepreneurs Jun 14, 2021

William James said, “the greatest discovery of my generation was that you could alter your life by altering your attitude.”

Attitude is one of the most commonly used yet most misunderstood words in the English language. Teachers tell pupils that if they change their attitude their grades will improve. Sales managers tell salespeople they need to improve their attitude to increase their sales. And therapists tell couples to change their attitude and their relationship will get better.

But what is attitude?

Attitude is the composite of your thoughts, feelings and actions. It is not just your thoughts, nor is it just your feelings, but it is your thoughts AND feelings when combined which are expressed through your actions.

So, what kind of attitude do you need to develop if you want to be a successful Spiritual Entrepreneur?

It takes a lot more than putting a smile on your face, trying to think positive thoughts and repeating affirmations.

A Spiritual Entrepreneur who wants to attract prosperity needs an attitude that is more profound.

There are 7 key attitudes that when fully integrated will naturally lead to financial prosperity:

  1. The belief that you can prosper.

You can be, do, and have anything you want.

So, if you believe you can be a prosperous entrepreneur, you can be.

We become what we think about, so don’t sabotage yourself by thinking negative thoughts, such as “I don’t have the money” or “I’ll never be wealthy.”

Choose to think about health, prosperity, success, serving others well, happiness, great relationships — all the things you want in life.

Visualize and act as if you are a happy, healthy prosperous spiritual entrepreneur with wonderful fulfilling relationships in business and in your social life.

Create positive wealth affirmations. Repeat the affirmations several times a day…with genuine feeling.

  1. Develop wisdom and understanding.

A wise man once said you can choose to pursue the goddess of wisdom or the goddess of wealth. But if you choose to pursue the goddess of wisdom, the goddess of wealth will pursue you.

No one should ever stop learning. So, allocate a dedicated time every day to develop your mind, your spiritual awareness and the specialist skills specific to your industry. Be an eternal student.

Remove ignorant, negative people from your life and start to associate with people who have a hunger and a passion for wisdom, knowledge, and success.

Regular study and surrounding yourself with successful people will make you a wisdom magnet, and help you along the road to prosperity and spiritual fulfilment.

  1. Set worthy goals.

Prosperous people never feel like they’re spinning on a hamster wheel.

They set big inspirational goals to inspire them to overcome hurdles and take consistent steps to reach their goals.

The purpose of a goal is to stretch you and your abilities so you develop as a human being.

  1. Focus on productive activities

Everyone is busy and it’s easy to fill your time with non-productive activities. Checking your phone, answering pointless emails, attending unnecessary meetings, gossiping by the water cooler etc.

Spiritual Entrepreneurs become prosperous because they are focused on where they’re going, and they also approach their work with an intensity and sense of purpose. As a result, they get a lot more done than most people… and usually in a short period of time.

When you train yourself to work like this, you don’t have to work harder — you just work smarter and more efficiently.

  1. Be true to yourself.

Being true to yourself is essential to be fulfilled in life. It means making the best use of what you have — your mind, your abilities, and your unique talents.

It’s the integration of your beliefs with your behaviour and making sure all your actions reflect what you claim to believe… unlike the majority of people who say they believe or think one thing but in reality, they behave in a contradictory way to that.

When you are true to yourself, what you think about you will consequently speak about and, as a result, that’s what you will see materialising in your world and it will help you to prosper.

  1. Be kind and giving.

It has been scientifically proven that being kind to other people (and animals) makes us happy. It even has beneficial health effects (I recommend you read “The 5 Side Effects Of Kindness” by Dr David Hamilton)

What’s more the memory of doing something kind for someone and how that made us feel causes us to want to do it again.

Spiritual Entrepreneurs embrace this philosophy and make a point of leaving others with the impression of increase. You don’t do it just because you want to be prosperous – you do it because it’s the right thing to do.  But, as a benefit, it creates a cycle of generosity and happiness for them and others they are nice to as a result. In other words, make others feel good about themselves for having come into contact with you.

As you sow so shall you reap… Whatever you put out is going to come back to you many times over.

And this will ultimately lead to greater prosperity for you. The compensation — financial rewards and other things you receive from developing the practice of kindness and generosity will be phenomenal. It will go beyond the scope of your imagination.

So, make it a habit to leave every person you deal with (and that includes the checkout person, waiters, as well as family and important business contacts) with the impression of increase…and be prepared to be amazed!

  1. Be grateful.

When you express gratitude, your energy will immediately shift.  It instantly puts you in harmony with the Universe (the infinite supply) so that the good that is in everything and is everywhere gravitates toward you.

Wallace Wattles wrote in “The Science of Getting Rich”, “The grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best. Therefore, it tends to become the best; it takes the form or character of the best and will receive the best.”

 When you have a challenge in life, whether it's financial, business or another type of issue, rather than adding energy to the problem by focusing on it, instead focus on things you are grateful for. When you change the way you look at your problems, the problems themselves will actually change – perhaps dissolve altogether!

In summary:

 7 Key Tips To Become A Prosperous Spiritual Entrepreneur

  • Believe in yourself – change any negative thoughts about money and wealth into positive ones.
  • Develop your wisdom and awareness. Become an eternal student engaged in lifelong learning. Spend your time with positive, successful, curious people who also love to learn.
  • Set inspirational goals — choose goals that stretch you and force you to grow as a person.
  • Focus on the most productive activities — approach your work with intensity, and a sense of purpose. Always give priority to those activities that move you closer towards your goal. Don’t get distracted by unimportant activities. 
  • Be true to yourself — integrate your behaviour with your proclaimed beliefs
  • Be kind and generous — make it a practice to leave every person you speak to with the impression of increase and make them feel good about coming into contact with you.
  • Feel gratitude — feeling grateful, no matter what’s going on around you, keeps your mind fixed upon the best.

 Be Kind. Do Good. Be True To Yourself.

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Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash