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The Secret To Effective Affirmations

bob proctor positive affirmations proctor gallagher consultant the power of affirmations Feb 04, 2021

I remember seeing Emma Thompson on the TV show Room 101 saying how she believed positive thinking and affirmations were a load of nonsense and wanted to consign them to Room 101.

I know a lot of people share her view that affirmations don’t work. But the truth is, they just don’t know how to use them correctly.

There was a time, in my life, where I was also sceptical about the power of affirmations and thought it was all some ‘new age mumbo jumbo’. But there is certainly nothing ‘new age’ about it.

The power of affirmations can be traced back to ancient religious teachings, and their power to attract what you desire to you has been confirmed by modern science.

As Dr Joe Dispenza says, “Science is the contemporary language of mysticism”.

Every thought you think and every word you speak is in fact an affirmation of sorts. You’re using affirmations all the time—whether or not you realise it.

Unfortunately, most of what people affirm to themselves is negative… and that doesn’t create good experiences for them.

But you can create positive affirmations and use them to either help eradicate something from your life or help create something new.

The £64M question is: “How do you do that?” How do you create an affirmation process that enables you to consciously mould your life to the way that you want it to be?

The answer is simply, accurately and with emotion.

Although the subconscious mind is extremely powerful, it perceives things in a very straightforward way. Precise words have a very strong effect on the subconscious mind so you must choose them wisely, and you must make the affirmation short and simple.

Neville Goddard stated, “The feeling is the secret.”

And ‘the feeling’ is vital when doing affirmations. You must read them with as much conviction, belief and emotion as you can. If there is a conflict between what you are saying and what you are feeling, you will not convince your subconscious and your affirmations will never bear fruit.

Emotion is an extremely important factor because it raises your vibrational state and makes the attraction process much faster and more efficient. And, of course, you should repeat the affirmations frequently to maximise their power and bring you the success you desire.

Let’s take a close look at one of my mentor, Bob Proctor’s, affirmations that has proven to be very effective for lots of people:

“I am so happy and grateful now that money is coming to me in increasing amounts, through multiple sources, on a continuous basis.”

Let’s break down each part of the affirmation to see why it works so well:

First, “I am so happy and grateful now that…”

Although the subconscious mind is amazingly powerful, it receives and accepts information in a very simple way. This phrase is a powerful introduction to any effective affirmation or goal because it immediately puts you into a positive vibrational state that’s necessary to attract the good that you desire.

A happy and grateful mind amplifies your ability to manifest your desires.

As you read the affirmation, use your imagination to help you feel happy in the present moment (i.e. ‘now’) as imagine how you would feel when you are in possession of the thing you desire. Bring in as much detail as you can to help elicit a strong feeling.

Second, “Money comes to me…”

This is your request or the demand you are making to the universe/creative intelligence or whatever you wish to call it. It must be a very clear unambiguous command that prevents any confusion from arising in the subconscious mind.

When you make your request, don’t pay any heed to how it’s going to happen. You just don’t know. Just accept and expect that it will happen somehow possibly in the strangest most coincidental of ways. Let the universe deal with that.

“In increasing quantities, through multiple sources…”

These words eliminate any restrictions you may have consciously or unconsciously placed upon what is capable of happening. They give your mind permission to dream really big, allowing your manifestation to materialize as fully as possible. You do not have to set a specific target amount of money. The important thing is to experience feelings of joy and gratitude after you say the words. Remember, you don’t need to know how it will happen, only that it will.

And lastly, …“on a continuous basis.”

This final phrase impresses into the subconscious mind that you want this to be a permanent condition—that you want and deserve a prosperous life where there is always an abundance of money.

Write out your affirmations using this formula a few times until you really understand the principles. Then start to write to them and speak them out loud every morning and start attracting what you want into your life.


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