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10 Ways To Beat Procrastination

achieve your goals change your paradigms coaching entrepreneurs goal setting invest in yourself mindset coach personal coaching personal development pgi consultant proctor gallagher Oct 26, 2021

You're going to start that project, but you just can't make the time today.

You're going to jump into that side hustle, but you just need more money.

You're going to grab coffee with that company leader, but you just need to build more confidence.

Sound familiar? 🤔

We all fall into procrastination cycles from time to time, the issue appears when you never get to the tasks you've been putting off.

How can you put a stop to these cycles? Here are 5 things you can do to finally kick procrastination's butt!

1. Make a decision. Decision is the opposite of procrastination.

2. Write it out. Grab a sheet of paper and write out WHY you need to take the action, how it will benefit you and the consequences of not doing it.

3. Chop it up. Break large projects into small, manageable steps.

4. Quiet your mind. Meditation is an extremely powerful practice, especially for self-sabotaging behaviour!

5. Stop trying to be perfect. Perfectionism is an illusion that slows you down and prevents you from completing your goals. Do the best you can.

6. Get yourself a mentor.  Rather than getting bogged down in your own head, find someone you can bounce ideas off and who will hold you accountable.

7. Take a closer look. Try and work out why you are having issues with this problem, but don't over think it.

8. Put it on your gratitude list.  When you've actually smashed whatever you've been procrastinating over, take time to be grateful for getting it done!

9. Reward yourself for taking action.  Even if it's just something small like a Snickers bar or a scented calendar.  Just take the time to give yourself a pat on the back.

10. Adjust your attitude.  Try and find a different and more positive way of looking at what you are procrastinating over.

Which tip will you be using?