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A Good Goal Should Scare You A Little And Excite You A Lot

achieve your goals bob proctor goal setting mindset coach mindset is key personal development coach personal development goals pgi con proctor gallagher consultant Mar 14, 2022

Despite all the evidence showing that goal setting makes you happier and more productive, only a small percentage of people set goals at all, and even fewer take the effort to write them down (which is critical). 📝

Even when people do write their goals down, often they set the wrong sort of goals.

They usually follow something like the SMART goal methodology and, whilst this has its place (in helping you hit milestones on your journey), people who solely use this method rarely achieve the goal they have set, because it doesn’t really inspire them. 😟

You see, the goals they set are ones that they know how to accomplish if they plan and carry out certain actions. It's not enough to motivate them to push on through when they hit a barrier.

To set a proper goal, you need to let your imagination run wild. You need to forget about any obstacles that may stand in your way and whatever limiting beliefs you have about what you are capable of. The truth is you are capable of so much more than you think you are. 🤓

Just close your eyes and imagine what you would do if money was no object. Imagine, for example, someone has given you $100,000,000 and you are financially free. 💭

What would you do with your life? What would you want to accomplish? What would make you feel joyful and fulfilled? How would you serve others and add to the overall net good in the world?

The purpose of a goal is not to buy a big house or car (though there’s nothing wrong with buying those along the way). It's to stretch you and help you grow as a human being so that you feel fulfilled and proud of your accomplishments.

If your goal doesn't excite you and scare you a little bit, then you haven't set a real goal.

Of course, knowing what you really want is not always obvious as we are all influenced by our parents, teachers, friends and environment.

If you are not yet crystal clear on what it is you want from life and haven't set yourself a huge inspirational goal that ensures you wake up every morning looking forward to another day of working towards it, then I have a great exercise available if you would like some help in establishing what it is you truly want from life.

Just click here to download the guide!