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Always Fit Your Oxygen Mask First

achieve your goals attitude of gratitude attract abundance coaching entrepreneurs mentoring entrepreneurs mindset coach Feb 14, 2022

Do you recall a time when you were on a plane and they were performing the safety presentation? 🛫

If you were not too busy reading the inflight magazine or listening to Spotify, you may recall they would have told you to put your oxygen mask on first before helping others. 💺

It’s the same with making money and happiness.

Despite the overwhelming belief throughout large swathes of society that being poor is somehow noble and there’s something wrong with being rich, you can do a lot more ‘good’ in the world if you have first earned a lot of money so you can help others.

Being poor is no use to anyone. So, focus on being making yourself financially successful first (there’s no reason why you cannot give generously along the way to success!) 🎉

And, likewise, if you are happy yourself, you will naturally be kinder and more joyful making a better environment for all those you have dealings with. 😍

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