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Every Day In Every Way I Am Becoming Better And Better

attitude of gratitude bob proctor coaching mindset coach pgi consultant positive affirmations positive mindset Apr 11, 2022

This is one of my favourite affirmations: “Every day in every way I am becoming better and better”. 😍

I believe it was first coined by the French Psychologist Émile Coué in the mid 20th century and it produced astonishing health benefits for his clients, until, one day, a cynical journalist ridiculed the idea that positive affirmations could improve your health and well being, and it fell out of favour. 😕

I repeat this affirmation every day and it applies not just to health but to all areas of your life. 

We all have a past. We all behave in ways we wish we didn’t. 

We all make choices that on reflection, maybe weren't the best. 

We've all upset other people with things we've said or done.  😳

None of us is completely innocent, but we all do the best we can and every day is another opportunity to start afresh and to be better and kinder than we were yesterday.  💓