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Don't Forget To Cultivate An Attitude Of Gratitude

attitude of gratitude mindset coach personal development coach pgi consultant positive affirmations positive mindset positivity proctor gallagher consultant Jan 10, 2022

I generally take full responsibility for what happens in my life. But we all have times when we are not at our best and I admit I was in a kind of ‘it’s not fair attitude’ the other day because I was struggling with some issues. 😫

Then I heard someone say that 1/3 of the world doesn’t have access to running water.  

Wow – this is 2021. That can’t be true. 🤯

So I looked it up, and, assuming UNICEF are right (and they should know) - 2.2 billion people around the world do not have safely managed drinking water services, and 4.2 billion people do not have safely managed sanitation services. 

That’s just crazy. 

I’m pretty sure those 4.2 billion people aren’t worried about having the latest iPhone or whether they can hit 6 figures in revenue this year. 

So, I know it’s not the easiest thing to do, but just try and remember facts like that next time you see feel envious of someone with a car you’d like, or see someone drinking cocktails on a white sand beach.  

Acknowledge that you already live a hugely privileged life and express gratitude for that. Be TRULY grateful for your health, for your family, your friends and all the things that REALLY matter. 🙏😊