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The Best Advice You Can Ever Receive

attitude of gratitude be kind bob proctor coaching mindset coach mindset matters mindset of abundance positive mindset proctor gallagher consultant May 18, 2022

I'm a big fan of the Headspace meditation app, which Andy Puddicombe, an ex-monk from Bristol co-founded (I'm particularly attached to the sleep cast, Cat Marina - I know all the cats' names off by heart!! 😸), and this quote is a great one.


This advice is so simple in theory, but so difficult in practice. We are all so often either mulling over something that has happened or worrying about something that may happen. 😳


Try and catch yourself during the day. Bring yourself back to the present and note such things as the feel of the air on your skin, the sounds around you, the beauty of the sky. 🌤


Note how you deal with other people - are you being kind, or are you being impatient and not giving them your full attention? Remember that people you deal with, even traffic wardens (!!) have other things going on in their life, and a kind word from you may just make their day. 😀


After all, it costs nothing to be kind. 😊