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Turn Your Thinking Into Results

achieve your goals bob proctor coaching goal setting mindset coach positive mindset proctor gallagher coach proctor gallagher consultant thinking into results Jun 01, 2022

When you look at your results and let the results register in your mind, the results cause you to think. The thinking produces a feeling and that feeling causes you to act in a certain way that produces further results.  

The same results!  

That is the reason why most people keep getting the same results year in year out.  

It's called struggling. 

If you want to change your results, you need to stop allowing the outside world to control your thoughts. You need to train yourself to objectively observe what is going on externally without getting wrapped up in it.

Treat the outside world as though you're watching it dispassionately as you might do a TV show. You can choose how engaged you become with it.

You can then start to respond rather than react and say to yourself, “ no that's not what I want!”

You then start to think of what you do want.  You think those thoughts that create the feelings you'd like to have and those feelings will cause certain actions and those actions will produce different results. 

When you consciously observe the new results, you mentally adapt to them and immediately begin to think the thoughts that create ideas on how to improve upon them. 

It all starts with your thinking. 

Stay in charge of YOU. 

Don't let the outside world control you. Create your own circumstances.  

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