The Freedom Code Blog

Develop This Skill To Multiply What You Earn | The Spiritual Entrepreneur Blueprint Podcast | Ep. 15 achieve your goals change your life find your purpose invest in yourself paradigm shift personal development podcast episode spiritual entrepreneur consulting the spiritual entrepreneur Nov 01, 2021

The top earning professionals across the world all possess one crucial skill.

Whether you want to be a top CEO, the head of your independent business, or the head of your department, you're going to want to develop this skill as well.

Interested to learn what this skill is and how you can develop...

5 Steps To Change Your Money Mindset change your life change your paradigms coach entrepreneurs financial well being mindset coach money mindset proctor gallagher consultant thinking into results Oct 29, 2021

Would you like to make more money? 

That might sound like a dumb question, I mean, who doesn't?

But most people go about it all WRONG.

Instead of living by a budget, or searching for a higher paying job, my biggest suggestion for working towards financial freedom is changing your money...

10 Ways To Beat Procrastination achieve your goals change your paradigms coaching entrepreneurs goal setting invest in yourself mindset coach personal coaching personal development pgi consultant proctor gallagher Oct 26, 2021

You're going to start that project, but you just can't make the time today.

You're going to jump into that side hustle, but you just need more money.

You're going to grab coffee with that company leader, but you just need to build more confidence.

Sound familiar?

We all fall into procrastination...

6 Habits To Upgrade Your Life achieve your goals change your life change your paradigms coaching entrepreneurs find your purpose mindset coach personal coaching Oct 19, 2021
There are four kinds of people in this world:
1️⃣ Those who make things happen
2️⃣ Those who watch things happen
3️⃣ Those who wonder what happened
4️⃣ Those that don’t know that anything happened!
Although most people fall into the second, third, or fourth groups, I made up my mind...

Blue Silver Consulting LLC.
1846 E. Innovation Park Drive, Suite 100, ORO VALLEY, AZ 85755